Thursday, 20 September 2012

TAO The State and The Art

TAO The State and The ArtLao Tzu called his path ' The Watercourse Way ' for many reasons. First, water is soft, humble, seeks the lowest place. It may rain on Everest but the water doesn't remain there; it starts running toward the valley. And in the valley, too, it will reach the deepest part. It is non - ambittious. It has no ambitions to be the first. To be like water means to be utterly happy in being nobody. second, water means movement. It is always moving, and whenever it is not moving it becomes dirty, impure, even poisonous. It dies. Its life is in movement, in dynamism, in flow. The whole of life is a flow, nothing is static.

Tao means being . It believes in this moment; it has no idea of future. If you can live in this moment of purity, in silence, in spontaneity, then your life is transformed. Not that you transform it - Tao transforms it, the whole transforms it. You simply allow the river to take you to the ocean; you need not push the river.

Publisher: St.Martin's Griffin
ISBN: 978-1-4472-1088-7
Price: Rs. 399

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Osho Dynamic Meditation

Osho Dynamic MeditationThis compendium of excerpts includes all the public comments Osho makes about OSHO Dynamic Meditation and is presented in the order in which they were spoken, so you can appreciate the gradual development of this technique over time.

The fourth stage was first presented in its current form in The New Alchemy: To Turn You On, #18. You will notice that in the first references, the instructions for the fourth stage are to just fall down as if dead, relaxed and to become a witness. Later the technique was refined to its current format of five stages, with a “stop” at the end of the first three stages.

There are some mentions of the importance of the raised hands in the 3rd and 4th stages. When Osho himself led Dynamic Meditation, those present remember this emphasis from Osho. And when asked about the arms lowering in the 4th stage they remember Osho saying that if it happens by itself, then that is okay, but “not to be dishonest.” 
 Bold text for some keywords are added to help the reader find the more specific references to the technique.

Publisher: Rebel
Price: Rs. 625

The Message Beyond Words

The Message Beyond Words
The Message beyond Words is an invitation to understand what death really is and thus transform the way you live.
These talks are based on the ancient Kathopanishad, which tells the story of a small boy, Nachiketa, who is sent by his father to face the Load of Death. This Upanishad is traditionally read as someone is dying, to inspire the people they love, the people who are present, to begin their search for a conscious life.

By exploing the methods described in this book, a person "frozen" in their fear of death can melt, flow, and really begin to live for the first time. Once you really face your fears about death, says Osho, your life will automatically transform and become conscious, joyful and silent.

Publisher: Rebel
ISBN: 987-81-7261-098-2
Price: Rs. 640

The Fabric of Life

The Fabric of Life

Kabir Was a 15th century mystic and weaver. Taking his songs as a starting point, Osho shares insights into such questions as love, the implications of money, how people communicate with each other, the longing for personal freedom, and finding happiness beyond our desires. All these are issues woven into the fabric of life.

The book also introduces and explains in detail the workings of the OSHO Kundalini Meditation, which when done rightly helps,"your whole energy to ecstatic and move upwards into joy and bilss."

Publisher: Rebel
ISBN: 978-21-7261-272-6
Price: Rs. 625

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Past The Point of No Return

Past The Point of No Return "Past the Point of No Return" is a compilation of Individual experiences of sannyasins (disciples) with their master Osho and life thereafter.

During the last few decades vast numbers of people worldwide left their jobs, families and homes to embark on a journey that turned their lives completely upside down. Do you want to know who those people are? What inspired them to do so? Where did they go? All of them have one thing in common: they felt an inner pull, an overwhelming urge to meet Osho, the most controversial spiritual master known throughout the ages.

These are the stories of several such people who recount openly the circumstances which ultimately led them to become disciples of Osho. You will intimately come to know each individual as they share their inner and outer journeys that have catapulted them past the point of no return. From arduous physical travels to intense inner explorations, there is never a dull moment. Be aware that after reading their stories, your life might never be the same again.

“I hope there will be a day when the whole humanity will understand this buddhahood.Spread this experience to all those who are groping in darkness.” 
Dogen, the Zen Master: A Search and a Fulfillment, Chapter 8, Question 1

Publisher: Osho World Foundation / D K Publishers
ISBN: 978-93-80397-00-9
Price: Rs. 750

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Work is Love Made Visible

Work is Love Made Visible
In Work is Love Made Visible Osho is talking about his work: its importance and value, the inner qualities that those interested in helping it succeed need to understand and to develop, and its day-to-day organization. These talks were given shortly after he had left his university post in order to share his vision for humanity with as many people as possible, and are addressed to the people who had recently started working with him.

Osho discusses the profound personal issue that work brings up for everyone around hierarchy, power, responsibility, and the art of relating, demonstrating at the same time a supreme respect for each person’s individuality, dignity and freedom. He covers every practical area of his work, from the perils and practicalities of financial accounting to the importance of using the most up-to-date media available. Underpinning all of this is his understanding that unless humanity is prepared to walk through the fire of awareness and allow work itself to become a moment-by-moment tool for self transformation, no one will ever derive any real benefit form working and no work will ultimately succeed.

Publisher: Rebel
ISBN: 978-81-7261-264-1
Price: Rs. 540

Shunya Ki Nav

Shunya Ki Nav
‘शून्य  की नाव’ पुस्तक में ध्यान-प्रयोग के ओशो प्रवचन है। जो नारगोल के ध्यान साधना शिविर में दिये गए। जिसके मुख्य बिन्दु हैः मौन द्वार की यात्रा, क्या है मनुष्य की वस्तुस्थिति?, जीवन की कला, और क्या हैं प्रेम के असफल होने के कारण साथ ही धैर्य और प्रतीक्षा जैसे विषयों पर ओशो ने अपनी दिव्य दृष्टि डाली है 
विषय सूची पुस्तक में ओशो द्वारा दिये गये सात प्रवचनों का संकलन हैः
1. अकेलेपन का बोध
2. अज्ञान का बोध
3. रहस्य का बोध
4. जीवन का सहज स्वीकार 
5. जीवन जीओ अतिरेक में 
6. प्रेम संबंध नहीं-चित्त- दशा  है
7. परम जीवन को पाने की सीढ़ी 

प्रस्तुत ओशो पुस्तक में ओशो-एक परिचय सहित कुल 140 पृष्ठ है। यह किताब आकर्षक कवर पेज में उपलब्ध है।
Publisher: Rebel
ISBN: 978-81-7261-263-4
Price: Rs. 200

Asambhav Kranti

Asambhav Kranti
जीवन में चाहिए एक क्रांति, चाहिए एक परिवर्तन। और परिवर्तन अनेक अवसरों पर कष्टपूर्ण होता है। प्रसव की पीड़ा झेलनी पड़ती है। बच्चा पैदा होता है तो पीड़ा झेलनी पड़ती है। जीवन बदलता है तो बहुत सी पीड़ा झेलनी पड़ती है। उसकी तैयारी होनी चाहिए। आपकी तैयारी जितनी बढती जाएगी , मैं उतनी ज्यादा चोट पहुंचाने के लिए हमेशा उत्सुक रहूंगा। शायद धीरे-धीरे आपको यह दिखाई पड़े कि चोटो ने आपका फायदा किया, आपको जगाया, आपको होश से भरा। 

‘असंभव क्रांति’ कुछ ऐसे ही अलख जगाने वाली ओशो अमृत प्रवचन पुस्तक है। जिसके एक-एक प्रवचनों में कुछ अलग ही संदेश झलकता है। पुस्तक में क्रांति, ध्यान, धर्म और सत्य के अनूठे प्रवचनों का समावेश है। जो सद्गुरु ओशो के दिव्य संदेश की ओर ले जाते है।

प्रस्तुत ओशो पुस्तक में ओशो ने मनुष्य को जीने का सूत्र, भीड़ से मुक्ति , शास्त्र और किताब में फर्क क्या है ? इसके अलावा धर्म और आत्मा के विज्ञान को बताने के साथ-साथ प्रेम को ही जीवन की सृजनात्मक आधार बताया है। ओशो कहते है-स्वतंत्रता विद्रोह नहीं है, क्रांति है।

विषय सूची
असंभव क्रांति पुस्तक में ओशो के दस अनमोल प्रवचन दिये गये है-
1. सत्य का द्वार 
2. पुराने का विसर्जन, नये का जन्म
3. मौन का स्वर 
4. ध्यान की आंख
5. क्रांति का क्षण
6. जीवन का अविर्भाव
7. सत्य का संगीत
8. सृजन का सूत्र
9. काम का रूपांतरण 
10. बस एक कदम

यह पुस्तक ओशो परिचय सहित कुल 196 पृष्ठ और सजिल्द कवर पेज में उपलब्ध है।
Publisher: Rebel
ISBN: 978-81-7261-266-5
Price: Rs. 340

Phir Amrit Ki Bund Pari

Phir Amrit Ki Bund Pari
‘‘देश तो होता ही नहीं। देश तो झूठ हैं। राष्ट्र तो मनुष्य की ईजाद हैं। असलियत है व्यक्ति की। इस देश ने गौतम बुद्ध, उपनिषद के ऋषि, महावीर, आदिनाथ--आकाश की ऊंचाई से ऊंचाई छुई है। वह भी एक भारत है। वही पूरा भारत होना चाहिए।

और एक भारत और भी है। राजनीतिज्ञों का, चोरों का, कालाबाजारियों का। भारत के भीतर भारत है।
इसलिए यह सवाल नहीं है कि कौन देश श्रेष्ठ है और कौन देश अश्रेष्ठ है? सवाल यह है कि किसी देश में अधिकतम श्रेष्ठ लोगों का निवास है और किस देश में अधिकतम निकृष्ट लोगों का निवास है। भारत में दोनों मौजूद हैं।’’

प्रस्तुत पुस्तक सामाजिक और राजनैतिक समस्याओं पर मनाली एवं मुंबई में प्रश्नोत्तर सहित ओशो द्वारा दिए गए पांच अमृत प्रवचनों का संकलन है।

Publisher: Rebel
ISBN: 978-81-7261-252-8
Price: Rs. 220

Piv Piv Lagi Pyas

Piv Piv Lagi Pyas
‘पिव पिव लागी प्यास’ पुस्तक दादू-वाणी पर आधारित पुणे में आध्यात्म गुरु ओशो द्वारा दिये गये ओशो प्रवचन संग्रह है। पुस्तक के मुख्य आकर्षक बिंदु हैः भक्ति की राह में श्रद्धा की अनिवार्यता, प्रेम समस्या क्यों बन गया है?, धर्म और नीति का भेद, समर्पण का अर्थ एवं  शब्द  से निः शब्द की ओर। 

विषय सूची
पुस्तक में ओशो द्वारा दिये गये दस अमृत प्रवचनों का अनुपम संकलन हैः
1. गैब मांहि गुरुदेव मिल्या
2. जिज्ञासा-पूर्तिः एक
3. राम-नाम निज औषधि
4. जिज्ञासा-पूर्तिः दो
5. सबदै ही सब उपजै 
6. जिज्ञासा-पूर्तिः तीन
7. ल्यौ लागी तब जाणिए
8. जिज्ञासा-पूर्तिः चार 
9. मन चित चातक ज्यूं रटै
10. जिज्ञासा-पूर्तिः पांच

प्रस्तुत ओशो पुस्तक में ओशो-एक परिचय सहित कुल 244 पृष्ठ है। यह किताब सजिल्द कवर पेज में उपलब्ध है।

Publisher: Rebel
ISBN: 978-81-7261-253-5
Price: Rs. 500

Osho The Luminous Rebel

Osho The Luminous Rebel
Often described as a rebel, An iconoclast, An enlightened mystic and an intellectual giant, Osho (also known as Acharya Rajneesh and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) is all this and more. 

He brought about a spiritual revolution in the lives of those who cared to grow intellectually. He spoke fearlessly against orthodox religions, priests, politicians, age-old traditions and anything he thought was a hindrance To The path of self realisation. This made him the most talked about and controversial mystic of the twentieth century.

Enlightenment of this stature is not attained in a few years or even in a lifetime-it is spread over hundreds of years and over lives, As was with the case of Osho, who spoke about his previous life and birth. This is only one of the many astounding facts about Osho which this book reveals.

Osho the Luminous Rebel traces the story of Osho from his birth, talking about his spiritual search for truth And The wondrous story of his enlightenment. The book also takes the reader through those years of Osho's struggle with authority figures, his travels all over India, To the much-hyped city of Rajneeshpuram in the US, To one of the greatest mysteries of our times-Osho believes that he was poisoned by the US government when he was detained in various jails there; he was later denied visas in almost all countries across the world-events, he reveals, that exposed the true face of 'democracy. 

Osho the Luminous Rebel is for all Osho lovers and admirers, For the uninitiated but spiritually inclined, and for those who are just curious to know more.

Publisher: Wisdom Tree
ISBN: 978-81-8328-154-6
Price: Rs. 295

Friday, 7 September 2012

The Sound of Running Water & The Song of The Ocean

The Sound of Running WaterThe Sound of Running Water
 A Photo Biography of Osho and his work 1974 – 1978
The Sound of Running Water, the big photo biography of Osho was originally produced in Poona One times. Many beautiful photos of Osho, his people, and his ashram, plus numerous quotes tell the story of Osho's life and work between 1974 and 1978.
The book was printed in a limited edition and went out of print more than 20 years ago. Now it has been reprinted, with the same photos and text, in almost the same format.

The Song of The Ocean The Song of the Ocean 
 A Photo Biography of Osho and his work 1979 – 1990
This book is a revised reprint of This Very Place: The Lotus Paradise. This version has some additional chapters and covers Osho’s life and work from 1979 to 1990 and beyond.
Dimensions: 12.5” x 11” (inches)
Both the books are available in a set and weight about 7 kg. 

Publisher: Zorba Design
Price: Rs. 4000

Allah To Zen

Allah To Zen
"He had provided us a rare insight into our lives and times.  
He has ridiculed us, pushed us… hurt us, and thereby, made recher human beings out of us.  
He made us think for ourselves; forced us to reject him, and by that act of rejection, brought us closer to him and in a strange kind of way, closer to ourselves."

An insight into the world of Osho : The Real Man of the Millennium. This book is written and compiled by Ma Chetan Unmani and Swami Chaitanya Keerti. Some of the known, unknown and not so unknown disciples and admirers tell their own stories in this book.
Ashvina Vakil, former editor of the “Society” magazine has written a beautiful introduction to the book. She says : “From Allah to Zen. And everything in between ! That one man in his lifetime had such a fabulous understanding of almost everything under the sun, and even beyond it, never ceases to amaze.” The editor of the book introduces it with these words : “Osho world is one world, one humanity. Osho World is- With love, without borders. Osho is a Universal meeting point. Osho embraces all. 

The believers of Allah and the Meditators of Zen celebrate together as one brotherhood. Osho accepts every body.”

Publisher:  Diamond
ISBN: 81-7182-374-2
Price: Rs. 150

Zarathustra A God That Can Dance

Zarathustra A God That Can Dance
In this Commentary on Friedrich Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra, Osho unravels the mystery of man's three metamorpbhoses from camel to lion to child, and in setting the record straight about the meaning of Nietzsche's concept of the superman shows us how we ourselvers can become the New Man.
Zarathustra, through Osho's eyes, is first and shed tears just like the rest of us. He speaks to us as a friend, sorting methodically through to ins and out on the path of truth, giving each aspert a athorough and single-pointed attention. Each of Osho's talks thus becomes a lesson on a very specific theme, and each theme is a step deeper into the journey toward becoming "a god that can dance" a person who dares to shed all the bondages of false virtues and values and dance in innocence and joy with each moment of life.
Zarathustra had gone to the mountains in search of aloneness. In the crowd you can find yourself lonely, but never alone.
Loneliness is a kind of hunger for the other. You are missing the other. You are not enough unto yourself – you are empty. Hence everybody wants to be in the crowd, and weaves around himself many kinds of relationships just to deceive himself, to forget that he is lonely.

Publisher: Rebel
ISBN: 978-81-7261-255-9
Price: Rs. 390

Life is a Soap Bubble

Life is a Soap Bubble
These 100 passages were written by Osho,and mailed to a disciple, Ma Yoga sohan.

Sohan was crying as Osho left at the end of a meditation camp in Matheran and he promised her that, as he had nothing else to give her in return for her tears, he would send her a letter every day... and that she should keep them so they could be published one day.

“I teach discontent. I teach you to be discontented with just being a person. Human life is just a temporary stopover on the whole journey of life, not the final destination. And those who take it to be the final destination waste a priceless opportunity to rise beyond man. We are a midpoint in a long process of evolution. Our past was part of the journey and so is our future. Evolution does not end with us, it will transcend us also.”

If you have come to the point where you feel there must be something more to life and are ready to explore other dimensions of your being, this collection of thoughts will provide an essential road map.

The one hundred short passages in this book are full of diverse, pertinent gems. They will touch you heart and your being. They will inspire your life, showing you how ato turn each and every moment into bliss.

Publisher: Rebel
ISBN: 978-81-7261-271-9
Price: Rs. 500

The Ultimate Iconoclast

The Ultimate Iconoclast The introduction of this book is in two parts. This is not the normal practice, but with Rajneesh Osho nothing can be normal. 

The first part gives a broad overview of Rajneesh’s ideas and methods . it tries to put his thought in perspective, so it becomes slightly easy to understand him.

The second part deals specially with the contradictory nature of his ideas.
A few years ago, a friend of mine called on me after a long time and asked me what I was working on. I told him that I was writing a book on Rajneesh. ' Oh! One fraud writing on another fraud!' said he, in his usual tongue in cheek manner. 

' It takes a fraud to understand another fraud' I replied.
Mention the name Rajneesh or Osho, and you always get an amusing, and often extreme response. People either idolise him or demonise him. When I was considering the subject of my Ph. D. thesis; among many options I also considered his philosophy as a topic. Some laughed at the idea, while others cautioned me that it would be academic suicide.

Publisher: UKAY Publishing Co
ISBN: 978-81-921006-2-3
Price: Rs. 295

Thursday, 6 September 2012

A Cup of Tea

A Cup of Tea
This book, 'A Cup of Tea' is filled with awareness and love - the love and compassion of the enlightened master for anyone who is thirsty for a spiritual life. Osho encourages us to move more into meditation, as He shares the insights and experiences that He has had on the path. In this book are 395 letters that Osho wrote to disciples, friends and lovers while he was traveling. Each letter has to be savored, sipped, and pondered upon- for each contains a great teaching, a key to inner mysteries. He answers questions like, "What is mind? How to become free of thoughts?"

This is a collection of 365 letters written by Osho to seekers and friends.
These letters have a rare and beautiful quality as Osho recalls incidents from his own life, tells stories and parables and reflects on the nature of truth and the journey of a seeker.

Anyone drawn to truth will treasure this book the perfect bedside companion, to be savored one cup at a time. it is an excellent introduction to the wisdom of this extraordinary man, and all seekers will find encouragement and inspiration within its pages.


ISBN: 978-81-7261-013-5
Price: Rs. 365