Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Osho Dynamic Meditation

Osho Dynamic MeditationThis compendium of excerpts includes all the public comments Osho makes about OSHO Dynamic Meditation and is presented in the order in which they were spoken, so you can appreciate the gradual development of this technique over time.

The fourth stage was first presented in its current form in The New Alchemy: To Turn You On, #18. You will notice that in the first references, the instructions for the fourth stage are to just fall down as if dead, relaxed and to become a witness. Later the technique was refined to its current format of five stages, with a “stop” at the end of the first three stages.

There are some mentions of the importance of the raised hands in the 3rd and 4th stages. When Osho himself led Dynamic Meditation, those present remember this emphasis from Osho. And when asked about the arms lowering in the 4th stage they remember Osho saying that if it happens by itself, then that is okay, but “not to be dishonest.” 
 Bold text for some keywords are added to help the reader find the more specific references to the technique.

Publisher: Rebel
Price: Rs. 625

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