Thursday, 31 January 2013

The Beloved (Volume One)

 .... But man has become afraid of awe. That’s why in language, in the ancient days, ‘awful’ was a religious word, very sacred.

Now, when you are feeling terrible you say you are feeling awful. Even the word has changed its meaning. People used to be awful when they were deep in prayer, when they were in close contact with the divine. When the divine was revealed to them, then they used to be awful. Now when they are feeling terrible, horrible, very bad, they say, “I am feeling awful.”

The word has completely been destroyed. It used to be at the peak, now it is at the bottom. It used to be the most positive feeling, now it is the most negative feeling. How has it happened? There are some reasons for it...

Publisher:  Rebel   
Price: Rs.

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